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Deleting responses
Jamie Shuey avatar
Written by Jamie Shuey
Updated over a week ago

There are a variety of reasons to delete a response from your own audience or from the Lyssna panel. Once deleted, a response cannot be recovered.
​Responses from your own audience can be deleted at any time.

Responses ordered from our panel can be deleted at any time. You will also have the option to report the response for one month after it has been collected if it is of poor quality. While we do take proactive measures to ensure the integrity of our panel, every once in a while responses may slip through from panelists who do not have helpful intentions in taking our tests.

If you find results that:

  • are "spammy"; keyboard mashing or responses that don't make sense

  • are left blank when the question is not optional

  • are offensive or profane

  • are not in the correct language for your test

you can report the participant and we'll have them replaced automatically at no cost. When reporting a participant from our panel you will be asked why it was unsatisfactory. This data is used to follow up with panelists to maintain overall panel quality.

We only allow the option to report responses for one month after they are collected, so we recommend doing so as soon as you notice the response doesn't meet your expectations. This option won't be available if you cancel your order before completion.

How to delete or report a response

  1. Find and open the response. You can do this from any written answer by hovering over the answer and clicking on this icon:

You can also open the response from the sidebar, which lists all responses under the Participants tab. Filters may be used in the test results to narrow this list, which can be helpful to isolate an errant click on a Click task, or to narrow down to participants who gave a particular response on a multiple-choice test.

From here you can view the response in full, which is a good opportunity to see the answers to all of the questions that it contains before you decide to take action. To delete the response in full, click the red button with the trash can icon.

To report a response from the Lyssna panel, click the Report response button. Select the reason for reporting, then click Report and remove. Once complete, the response will be removed from your results and your test will be automatically sent back to the panel for a replacement response.

Common questions

Can I remove responses that negatively skew my results, or responses from panelists I don't like?

You can delete responses as you wish but we ask that you only use the report response feature to flag poor panelists to us. Responses cannot be reported to screen your results for the answers or panelists you want. When you report a response, we automatically flag that participant for a quality review by our team, and removing valid responses can lead to fewer tests for those panelists. Our aim is to compensate all panelists who offer their time to give valid responses. Our team may reach out to you if unjustified use of this feature is detected.

πŸ’‘ Pro tip: By default, questions are optional when you add them to the test builder. We recommend toggling on the "Required" option for most questions unless it's truly optional, such as "Any other feedback to share?". This will prevent multiple blank responses and ensure that you receive helpful insights from your participants.

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