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Export result sections as images
Jamie Shuey avatar
Written by Jamie Shuey
Updated over 11 months ago

Some results sections support image exports. This can be useful for sharing results with colleagues or in more formal research reports and summaries. Itโ€™s especially useful if your image is long and difficult to screenshot from the results page directly.

What sections are supported?

Currently, you can export heat maps, click maps, and word clouds as images. Heat maps and click maps are generated on First Click, Navigation, and Prototype tasks. Word clouds are generated from short and long text answers on any question.

How do I export the image?

When you are viewing a compatible result section, a button will display to the right of the screen above the image.

Here's what you can expect to see when exporting a heat or click map:

... and here you'll find the option to capture a word cloud from your written answers:

๐Ÿ’ก If you are downloading heat map or click map exports from Navigation tests, you will need to view each result separately and export each image individually.

Exporting prototype screens

For image exports on Prototype tasks, you will find the download button at the bottom right of the screen preview:

What format is the image downloaded in?

The image is downloaded as a PNG image. PNGs are lossless images, which means that the image should remain high quality. PNGs are compatible with most other platforms and apps, including Slack, Dovetail, Keynote, Powerpoint, Google Slides, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and Dropbox Paper.

Does this work for self-recruited tests?

Yes, you can export result images from tests recruited from our panel as well as from your own participants.

Can I download all the image exports from my test at once?

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