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Lyssna pricing
Jamie Shuey avatar
Written by Jamie Shuey
Updated over a week ago

Our pricing is based on usage patterns on our platform, direct customer feedback, and high regard for basic fairness as an underlying value. This is a detailed article; for a high-level view and a side-by-side plan comparison, visit our Pricing page.

Today, Lyssna offers two distinct products that are priced and charged separately.

  1. Our UX research testing platform

  2. International participant panel (fully-integrated)

All prices listed are in USD.

Lyssna’s plan options

The Free plan

To try out the most basic features of our platform

This plan covers quick, simple tests and will let you get to know the platform before choosing the best option for your research needs. The Free plan includes:

The Basic plan

For small teams and basic tests

This plan starts at $89/mo ($75/mo if billed annually). It includes everything in the Free plan, plus:

  • 3 collaborator seats (supports up to 10)

  • Additional collaborator seats for purchase ($30/mo or $25/mo if billed annually)

  • Unmoderated tests up to 5 minutes long

  • Unlimited view-only seats, for those users who need access to review your test results but don't create tests themselves

  • Unlimited responses collected from your own invited participants for unmoderated tests

  • Up to 15 Interview sessions with your own audience per month

  • The ability to enable screen and/or audio recordings on your test (in beta)

  • User permissions to tailor access for your team members

  • Access to variation sets to group tests together for A/B testing

  • Custom welcome and thank you screens

  • Access to export your tests' raw result data as a CSV for deeper analysis

  • 50GB storage for video uploads of Interviews and 15 hours of video transcription per month

The Pro plan

For larger teams and frequent research

This plan starts at $199/mo ($175/mo if billed annually). It includes everything on the Free and Basic plans, plus:

  • 5 collaborators (supports up to 15)

  • Additional collaborator seats for purchase ($40/mo or $35/mo if billed annually)

  • Unlimited unmoderated test duration - the sky is the limit when crafting your research

  • Conditional logic that allows you to show or hide questions or test sections based on how a participant answered previous questions

  • Access to set an automatic limit on the number of responses collected when you use your own audience for an unmoderated test

  • Up to 30 Interview sessions with your own audience per month

  • Access to add your own branding to your unmoderated tests

  • Access to add post-test redirect URLs to automatically route participants to the site of your choice on completion

  • The ability to collect demographics from your own audience on unmoderated tests

  • The ability to add custom variables for your test URLs when inviting your own participants to easily assign a response to a specific participant or group of participants in your results

  • 500GB storage for video uploads of Interviews and 30 hours of video transcription per month

The Enterprise plan

For enterprise procurement and larger teams

These plans are customized and priced based on your needs. By default, they include everything on the Pro plan, plus access to:

  • Unlimited collaborators

  • Advanced security features

  • Custom password policy


Book a chat with our Sales team if you'd like some more information on our Enterprise plans!

Recruiting your own audience

For unmoderated tests, you can recruit an unlimited number of participants from your own audience on all plans. Refer to the plan specifications above to see limitations on self-recruited participants for moderated studies with Interviews.

💡Just a heads up: If you're on our Free plan, you can view up to the first 15 responses for your test. If you recruit more than 15 responses on a test, you'll need to upgrade to one of our paid plans to view them all.

Each Lyssna test has a unique link that you can share with your audience to participate in your test:

Lyssna’s participant panel pricing

Recruiting responses from our panel is charged separately based on your usage needs.

When you place an order from our panel, there are two ways to pay:

  1. Credits associated with your account

  2. The credit card on file

You can pay for each order as you place it or pre-purchase credits on your Lyssna account so your team has credits in the bank to spend on panel orders anytime. Everybody on the team has access to the same pool of credits. When you place an order, it will automatically use any available credits in your account. If additional credits are required, you will be prompted to purchase them to complete your order.

In terms of cost to you, 1 credit = USD $1, unless buying credits in bulk (see Credit discount section below).

Fees for Unmoderated Tests

Lyssna charges 1 credit, per minute of test length, per panelist response ordered. The total cost is clearly displayed on the screen and locked in prior to placing panel orders.

If a screener is enabled on your test, there is an additional screener fee of 2 credits per participant, along with the standard recruitment costs.

If recording is enabled anywhere in your test, then those specific test sections with recording enabled will be calculated at twice the duration. As an example, if a navigation test section was originally calculated at 2 minutes in length then enabling recording will change the new calculation to 4 minutes.

Fees for Moderated Interviews

Duration (in minutes)

Total Cost


60 credits


75 credits


90 credits


105 credits


120 credits


135 credits


150 credits


165 credits

The incentive paid to the participant is included in your total cost when recruiting from our panel so you don't have to manage that separately!

Credit discounts

We offer substantial discounts for bulk credit purchases (more information about bulk credit purchase options here). Credits can be used to purchase panel orders.

If you want to buy more than 20,000 credits at one time, please contact Lyssna's Sales Team to discuss a custom bulk credits package (a larger discount may be available). Schedule a meeting here.

Common questions

Do you have discounts for not-for-profits, students, or teachers?

We do offer discounts to not-for-profits, charities, students, and educators—so if that’s you, get in touch!

Do paid plans include usage of the Lyssna participant panel?

No, paid plans do not include usage of our participant panel, and all panel prices are separate from our plan prices. This way, you can choose to utilize the participant panel or your own audience in any capacity or combination that best suits your budget and research needs.

How do I know how long a test will take?

Our realistic test-length estimator in the test creator will predict how long it will take for a participant to complete your test. It will prompt you when you’ve gone over your plan's limit (2 minutes on the Free plan and 5 minutes on the Basic plan) and help calculate the price for ordering panel responses from your target audience.

We use average historical durations across all the tests taken on our platform to estimate how long a test should take to complete.

What are credits?

Think of them as currency for ordering test responses from the Lyssna participant panel. The cost of each response starts at 1 credit per participant and varies based on the length of your test and the number of tasks. We calculate the credit cost for you and let you know how many you'll need to spend per participant. Each credit costs $1.

Do I have to purchase credits?

No. If you prefer, you can pay with the credit card on file. It’s completely up to you, but if you’re ordering responses from the panel regularly, you will save money by buying credits in bulk.

Do credits expire?

Never ever. You can even transfer them to another Lyssna account— just email us.

Do I need to use the Lyssna panel?

Nope! You can easily invite your own audience to take your tests anytime you want. Each test you create has a unique link you can share with your users, and recruiting from your own audience is always free. There may, however, be a limit to the number of responses you can self-recruit—see plan specifications above.

Can I get a quote on a panel order without creating a test in your platform?

Our Research panel calculator can provide you with an estimated cost and turnaround time based on your targeting requirements, but you will need to have a general sense of the type and length of your study. Note that because our panel pricing is based on test length, costs will vary from the estimate if your test, once created, is longer or shorter than anticipated.

Do I have to pay to share my test with my own audience?

If you're on the Free plan, the first 15 responses you self-recruit are on us! If your test collects more than 15 responses, you'll need to upgrade your plan to view all of them.

What happens to the remaining responses I've recruited if I'm on the Free plan?

Nothing! The remaining responses you have recruited will stay in your account until you decide to upgrade your plan.

Can I order responses from the Lyssna panel on the Free plan?

Yes, you can access the Lyssna panel on any plan. Using the panel always incurs additional costs.

Is there a limit to the number of responses I can view on the Free plan if I order from your panel?

No. You can always view all your purchased panel responses in your test results, no matter your plan. So, go ahead and gather as many responses as you need to get the insights you want!

Does each member on our account need their own pool of credits?

They don’t. All account collaborators will draw from the same pool of credits to order responses. Admins can place new orders with the credit card on file and can designate other collaborators as Admins or Editors.

I want to share results with other people in our organization. Do I need to buy collaborator seats for them?

Nope! When you are subscribed to the Basic or Pro plan, view-only seats are free. We love it when you share results within Lyssna! Here's how you can also create a shareable results link.

If you're on our Free plan, you'll need to upgrade to Basic or Pro to add viewers to your team.

When placing a panel order, does Lyssna charge extra for demographic selections?

No. We do not have any hidden fees for specific demographic selections or device targeting.

Why is the enterprise offering presented as a different plan on

Our Enterprise plans offer a different level of service that many enterprise companies and corporations require. These plans have different pricing and service-level tiers that include services like account management, priority support, manual invoices, NDAs, security audits, and terms of service reviews & customizations. Larger companies also frequently desire large groups of license seats and want to buy more than 20,000 credits at one time. In any of these cases, it makes sense to contact Lyssna's Sales Team to discuss your needs. Book a meeting here.

If you have no need for a manual invoice, security audit, or any special terms of service, then you should be able to self-service everything you need from our website.

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